Seid gegrüßt,
ich verspreche nie wieder das es wieder Freitag wird. Nicht in diesen Zeiten. *seufz*
Zuerst, lieber Sithi, entschuldige wenn ich Dich noch einmal eine Woche aus aktuellen Anlaß verschiebe.
Eine liebe Freundin aus New York schickte mir 3 Wörter.
Wir Ihr sicherlich alle wisst, ist New York zur Zeit sehr Corona erschüttert.
Um sie etwas aufzumuntern habe ich Ihr eine Geschichte, allerdings diesmal auf English gezaubert.
Hello Dear,
here ist your Story, i hope it casts a Little smile on your face.
Take care and stay strong!
Your Words:
1) Love
2) Severance
3) Farewell
Night of the truth
The level of the dreams. Far, indefinitely and mysteriously.
A house. So strange and however, thus trusts.
I stood before the steps of an old wooden stair.
My look glided up. On top I saw her. Also she looked foreign
and however, thus close. A long white dress sweet-talked her skin.
Why is everything so bewilderingly around me? I did not know
Slowly she came down the stairs to me.
While she walked the steps down, I note the black suit which
I carried. When did I carry at last a suit? Yes when I met my first LOVE. On a
celebration. Somewhere.
She reached me. Her nice face was giving a wonderfull smile.
Her blond hair seemed to shine.
I held out her my right hand. She accepted it and come
nearer to me.
Softly I took her in my arms.
This touch was very intensive and hardly to describe. It was
a feeling, a close feeling, how like a SEVERANCE.
She answered this embrace with a gentle kiss to my cheek.
From somewhere i heard music around us and we began to
The whole space changed.
It was a festive big hall. A gigantic chandelier adorned the
cover. I felt returned into the 18th century.
Her smile enchanted
me. It required no words to answer it with my own smile. I started to forget
everything around myself.
I saw only her. We dance faster and faster in circles.
Again the surroundings changed. We were on a big meadow.
Sunshine stroked our skin. Around us animals, flowers, wood. A clearing.
The music had fallen silent. Instead, i heard birds and the
light rushing of the summer wind accompanied us.
I looked at her once more and her smile enchanted me once
more. It was, as if magic surrounded us.
This crackle and lights. Happily I closed my eyes. I felt
her hands, her nearness. This gave me a feeling of the security. I hoped that
it never ends. I felt warmth. Pleasant warmth.
My eyes opened again.
We danced on a cloud. I did not get a fright, because I felt
sure with her.
Our rotary dance changed. As if we know us quite forever,
our dance changed into something else, something more elegant. A waltz.
The clouds disappeared and we danced again in a festive
However, it was not the same hall like before. The hall was
more festive and much bigger. Also the music started again.
Happily we danced and used the surface given to us
I wished that it would never come to an end.
Time vanished like dust in the desert and slowly the music
started to die away.
The dance ended and we stood in the midst of the hall which
slowly lighted up and disappeared. We stood again before the wooden stairs.
Happily I looked at her.
She smiled, however, accompanied by a breath of sadness.
She kissed me, embraced me and slowly let my hands go. She
started to shimmer and to disappear slowly.
No! I did not want this! No FAREWELL!
However, my hand already went through by her hand like through
Bathed in sweat I awoke. It was only a dream. Only a dream.
Anyhow, somewhere I still felt her warmth.
By the half-open window a melody flow from somewhere to my
A waltz.
Damit wünsche ich Euch allen einen schönen Abend und einen guten Start in die neue Woche.
Und vergesst nicht. Lächelt, und die Welt gehört Euch.
Sonntag, 5. April 2020
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Story Friday Special 02
For Marianne Music Inspiration MARIANNE Marianne opened her Eyes. She way lying under a Tree. A leaf sailed slowly down and landed on her c...

Hallo meine Lieben. ja es wurde richtig erraten, der Herr auf den Bild von letzten Mal ist tatsächlich Michael Dudikoff. Bekannt wur...
Quelle von Text und Fotos: Bild Rotterdam (Niederlande) – Herzzerreißende Szene im Zoo von Rotterdam. Ein sterbenskranker Tierpfleger woll...
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